Measure your emailing performance

Measure your emailing performance

Are you planning to implement an emailing strategy, or has your company already experimented with this communications solution? To make a success of this strategy, it's essential to measure the performance of your emailing. Among the essential steps, calculating KPIs (key performance indicators) enables you to analyze in detail the impact of your emailing campaign. Find out more about KPIs, their definitions and calculation methods, to help you successfully measure your performance.

Opening rate

What is the open rate?

The open rate is a fundamental KPI in any email marketing strategy. It indicates the percentage of Internet users subscribing to your newsletter who have opened your email. This indicator is crucial, as it measures the effectiveness of your email subject line, as well as the first impression recipients have of your communication. A high open rate means that your subject line has captured recipients' interest and encouraged them to find out more. This reflects not only the relevance and attractiveness of your subject, but also the quality of your subscriber list and their commitment to your brand. By optimizing your email subject lines to be eye-catching, clear and relevant, you can significantly improve your open rate, increasing the chances that your messages will be read and your calls to action followed up.

Open rate calculation

To find out the opening percentage of your emails, you need to perform this simple calculation: number of emails opened / number of emails sent x 100.

Click-through rate

What is the click-through rate KPI?

The click-through rate is a crucial indicator that measures the percentage of subscribers who have clicked on the links in your email. This KPI is essential for evaluating the engagement of your recipients and the effectiveness of your email campaign. A high click-through rate indicates that the content of your email has succeeded in arousing the curiosity and interest of your subscribers, encouraging them to find out more by visiting your website.

To maximize click-through rates, it's important to structure your e-mails in such a way as to draw attention to the links. This can be achieved by using clear, punchy calls to action, inserting prominent buttons, and ensuring that links are strategically placed within the content. What's more, personalizing messages and segmenting your subscriber list to send relevant, targeted emails can significantly increase recipient engagement.

By regularly tracking and analyzing click-through rates, you can identify which content types and calls-to-action work best for your audience. This analysis will enable you to adjust and optimize your future email campaigns, to further increase subscriber interaction and engagement with your brand.

How to calculate the click-through rate

The calculation is equally straightforward: divide the number of clicks on a link in the e-mail by the total number of e-mails sent. Then multiply this result by 100 to obtain the click-through percentage.

Reactivity rate

Defining the reactivity rate for your emailing campaign

The reactivity rate is a key indicator that combines open and click rates to provide a more accurate measure of recipient engagement. In concrete terms, it represents the percentage of clicks in relation to email opens, making it possible to determine not only how many recipients opened your email, but also how many were interested enough to click on the links contained in the message.

A high reactivity rate means that not only has your email subject line succeeded in capturing recipients' attention, but also that the content of the email has been relevant and engaging, encouraging readers to interact further. This KPI is particularly useful for evaluating the quality of your calls to action and the relevance of the information provided in your emails.

To improve the reactivity rate, it's essential to :

  • Writing powerful subject lines: Grab recipients' attention at first glance.
  • Personalize content: Adapt your messages to your subscribers' interests and behaviors.
  • Include clear calls to action: Use clearly visible and convincing buttons or links.
  • Segment your list: Send targeted emails to increase relevance and engagement.
  • Optimize email design: Ensure a clear, attractive and easy-to-navigate layout.

By regularly tracking and analyzing response rates, you can gain valuable insights into what's working well in your email campaigns, and what can be improved. This analysis enables you to adjust your content and interaction strategies to maximize audience engagement and, ultimately, achieve your marketing objectives more effectively.

How do you calculate the percentage of reactivity?

You need to divide the number of clicks on an email link with the number of email opens, and then multiply this result by 100.

Bounce rate

What is the bounce rate in email marketing?

The bounce rate is a crucial indicator that shows the percentage of undelivered emails. A high bounce rate means that many emails have not reached their recipients, which can be due to a variety of reasons, such as incorrect or inactive addresses.

There are two types of bounce rate:

  • Soft bounce: This type of bounce occurs when the email address is temporarily unavailable. Causes can include a full inbox, a temporary problem with the recipient's mail server, or temporary restrictions put in place by the email service provider. Soft bounces can often be resolved and the email redelivered once the temporary problem has been solved.
  • Hard bounce: This type of bounce occurs when the email address no longer exists or never existed. Reasons include typing errors in the email address, deleted or non-existent email accounts, and blocked or invalid addresses. Unlike soft bounces, hard bounces indicate permanent problems, and the addresses concerned should be removed from your contact list immediately to maintain the quality and reputation of your mailing list.

Whatever the cause of the problem, an email that bounces has not been received by the recipient. A high bounce rate can damage your domain's reputation and affect the deliverability of future emails. To reduce the bounce rate, it's essential to :

  • Maintain a clean contact list: Regularly remove inactive and invalid addresses from your database.
  • Use double opt-in: Confirm the email address of new subscribers by sending them a confirmation email before adding them to your main list.
  • Use email verification tools to validate email addresses before adding them to your list.
  • Monitor campaign performance: Analyze bounce rates after each campaign to identify and correct recurring problems.

By effectively managing your contact list and carefully monitoring bounce rates, you can improve email deliverability, maintain a good reputation with email service providers, and maximize the impact of your email campaigns.

Bounce rate calculation

Calculate the number of undelivered emails / number of emails sent and multiply by 100.

Complaint rate

The complaint rate is an essential indicator for evaluating the performance of your email campaigns. It measures the percentage of emails reported as spam by recipients. A high complaint rate can have a significant negative impact on your domain's reputation, which in turn can reduce the deliverability of future emails.

What is the complaint rate?

The complaint rate, also known as the spam reporting rate, represents the percentage of recipients who mark your emails as undesirable. A recipient may flag an email as spam for several reasons: they don't remember subscribing to your list, they're overwhelmed by too many communications, or they feel the content is irrelevant or of poor quality.

How do you calculate the complaint rate?

The percentage of complaints must be low, because if it's high, it means that the email campaign is having a negative impact on recipients.

The formula for this is the number of emails reported as spam / number of emails sent in total x 100..

Why is a high complaint rate problematic?

Domain reputation:

Email service providers (such as Gmail, Yahoo and Outlook) track the complaint rate of email senders. If your complaint rate is high, these services may consider your emails as spam, which affects your domain's reputation.

Reduced deliverability:

A poor domain reputation often results in reduced email deliverability. Your future messages are more likely to end up in the spam folders of recipients, even those who want to receive your e-mails.

Unsubscribe rate

What does it mean?

The churn rate measures the percentage of subscribers who have unsubscribed after receiving an email. A high churn rate may indicate problems with the relevance or frequency of your emails.

A number of situations can lead to unsubscribing:

  • your emails aren't interesting
  • you're sending too many emails
  • the recipient is simply no longer interested in your products or services.

This calculation is essential to determine the relevance of your campaign and measure its impact.

How to calculate it?

Here's the formula you need to know: (Number of unsubscribes/number of emails sent) x 100. Your objective is to reduce the number of unsubscribes to your newsletter as much as possible.

Distribution of opens and clicks

In addition to the KPIs we've just mentioned, there are a number of other key figures that will give you the best possible idea of your emailing performance.

Open distribution

Analyze the times of day when your emails are most often opened. This information helps you plan your mailings to maximize open rates. For example, if you notice a peak in the morning before 7 a.m. or around midday, schedule your mailings for these times.

Distribution of clicks by location

Examine which links in your e-mails get the most clicks and where they are placed. This analysis enables you to structure your e-mails to optimize recipient engagement. Place links strategically to maximize clicks.

Measuring the KPIs of your email campaigns is crucial to evaluating and improving the performance of your communications strategy. By analyzing these indicators, you can identify strengths and areas for improvement, adjust your future mailings and maximize the impact of your emails on your audience.

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